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Farming and Trophy Base for Town Hall 10 with link


We build this base in a way that it could bring balance to all aspect that are loot protecttion, balance defense distribution and centralize Town Hall placement. So that it can be use for various purpose. As shown in the above screenshot, we placed all the important buildings in the center compartment of the base, which is guarded with the all the defensive buildings. So that it will be hard for an opponent to reach to core compartment of the base. And all the main defenses are placed into the different compartments of the base, so opponent can't snipe them easily. And also all the storage buildings are distributed all over the base, and since they are placed inside compartment of the base, so either farming or normal attacking strategy cannot take all the loot from this base. Okay, now let's look at the every defensive effective coverage.

All the cannons are distribute on the edge of the base, because it can only provide ground coverage but cannot target air troops. And also it can do damage on single target at a time. So there is no advantage of it to placed it in the inner compartment of the base. And we placed them in the area where other defense could not provide their effective coverage.

Archer Tower
If there is absence of air coverage on the edge of the base, it will be easy for an opponent on their funneling process by using minions or baby dragon. That's why we placed all the Archer Towers on the edge of the base along with cannons. So that it can hold opponent's air troops for certain time.

Since Mortars lose it's potentiality on the higher Town Hall level, So they are only useful for tackling spamming troops such as Barbarian, Archers, and goblins. That's why we placed them on the outer compartment of the base, so that they can deal with missive barbarian, Archers and goblins army.

Wizard Tower
Since Wizard Towers can deal splash damage against both Air and Ground troops. So, we placed them evenly around the core part of the base, so they can provide their effective coverage almost all over the base. Which will be beneficial during the Hog Riders, Miners and Lavaloon attacking Strategy. And also they are placed near the storage buildings which means it will help a lot in protecting the loot during the raids.

Air Defense
Air defense is the another important defense in the Town Hall level 10, because it can deal with tanking air troops such as Lava Hound, Dragon and Balloons, Which are mostly use in Town Hall 10. So we placed them in such a way that, opponent cannot snipe them easily and it can provide air coverage all over the base, especially for core part of the base, where town hall is located.

We placed all the X-bows around the core compartment of the base, So in this way, X-bow can defend base for much longer. And since all the X-bows are set on the both air and ground target, it can defend core part of the base from both air as well as ground troops. And since most TH10 players use air attacking strategy these days, so it will be effective to set X-bow on air and ground target.

Inferno Tower
Inferno Tower is the most powerful defense in the Town Hall 10. And since this base is also build for farming purpose, so we set Inferno Tower on the multi target. So it can deal with farming attacking strategy. But multi target will also work for other popular attacking strategy, such as massive Miners, Balloons and Hog Riders.

And you can COPY this base layout by clicking following "COPY" button.

Hope you will like this base layout. If you find this base layout helpful, share it with your friends and clanmates. And also have a nice day. 


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