NEW Town Hall 9 X-bow Island War base with Copy Link
NEW Town Hall 9 X-bow Island War base with Copy Link
As we all know that, winning the clan wars matter a lot to all the clashers, because it will level up our clan level. And it will also help to get clan war league medals, which you can use to buy magical items, such as magical hammer and magical spell. And also winning the clan war will get you lot of bonus resources. Which will help you to max out your village quicker. That's why a good war base design is require to winning clans wars. And if you are looking for some good ones, then you have come to the right place. Because we publish really good base design for every town hall level according to your needs. So you can follow us in our Social Media, and also subscribe to our official YouTube Channel, where we will show you the defense replays of every single attack strategies against our base design, so you can know how effective our base design is.
So Let's look at this war base design. As you know that, Town Hall is worth a 1 star, so we got to protect it. And what are the perfect ways, than placing it in the center part of the base. So we placed Town Hall in the center of the base, So that we can placed all the defensive buildings around of it. So that these defenses can protect town hall from every side, and leave no weakness from where opponent can reach Town hall easily. And Both heroes as well as Clan Castle is placed near the Town Hall. So that, heroes can buy some time to eliminate opponent's troops by distracting them while they reach near to it's effective coverage. And we placed some of the Hidden tesla outside the base so that, opponent cannot lure the cc troops at the beginning of the battle. which will be act as a strong defense later in the battle. And for the CC troops we suggest to use following combinations of troops.
- 1 Lava Hound
- 1 PEKKA and 1 Balloon
- 1 Super minions, 2 Head Hunters and 6 Archers
- 1 Baby Dragon, 2 Head Hunters and rest is Archers
Since these X-bows are in the island compartments, Opponents troops cannot reach them easily, and first target other defenses, So that it can defend base for much longer. And we placed all the Air bombs near the X-bows, So that, even if balloons can manage to reach the X-bow quicker during the lavalloon attack strategies, Air Bombs can eliminate most of the balloons before reaching the X-bows.
And All the Air defenses are place in such a way that they can provide air coverage all over the base. And since these Air defenses can deal a heavy damage on air troops that no other defense can do on Town hall 9, SO we got to placed it far from other main defense such as X-bows and Wizard Towers.
Because If we placed these air defense near to these main defenses, opponent can easily take down multiple valuable defensive buildings at once using lightning and earthquake spells. And make them easy to win battle. And also these Air defenses are also backup with Air Sweepers and Air mines.
And we also focus on popular ground attack strategies such as GoVaWi, GoHoWi and GoWiPe too while buildings this base. So we placed all the Wizard Towers, Bomb Tower, Mortars and Giant Bombs all over the base, so that they can provide Splash damage almost all over the base, which will be effective against Massive Hog Riders attack strategies. And we placed most of the buildings 1 or 2 tiles far from each other, so that Valkyries cannot get two buildings at once. And all the Archer Towers and cannons are placed in such a way that they can provide air as well as ground coverage to all the outer buildings.
If you like this base design, share it with your friends. And you can also check our other TH9 designs too. And you can Copy this base from the following Copy Button.
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