Clash of Clans Town hall 9 base 2022 with Copy link
If you are looking for the new town hall 9 bases that can stand really well against every town hall 9 attack strategies, especially from air attack strategies, then you can use this base design. Because we build this base prioritizing air defense.
Also, this base will defend well against ground attack strategies too, because of the too many closed compartments. it will slow down every ground troop because they need to break through every single compartment in other to get the 3 stars from this base.
And we placed all the important buildings in the core compartment of the base. And since it is symmetrical in the form, so we placed all the defending buildings evenly on this base. So it leaves no vulnerability on any side of the base.
Also, dark elixir and clan castle are placed just opposite each other. So, if the opponent went for Dark elixir first then they cannot lure CC troops, And if the opponent went for luring CC troops first they won't have enough troops to reach dark elixir storage later in the battle. And for the CC troops, we recommend the following combinations of troops,
- 1 Lava Hound
- 1 PEKKA and 1 Balloon
- 1 Super minion, 2 Head Hunters, and 6 Archers
- 1 Baby Dragon, 2 Head Hunters, and the rest are Archers
Since the core part is guarded with the main defense like X-bow and Air defense, So all the Archer towers are placed evenly on the edge of the base. so that it can provide both ground and air coverage on those parts of the base.
Also, they can protect gold mines and elixir collectors too. Also, all the traps are placed in the area where they can work effectively. Such as all the Air traps are placed in front of the defensive buildings so that they can eliminate some opponent's air troops before they reach the main defense.
And all the giant bombs are distributed in such a way that they can provide splash damage where wizard towers are out of range. Hope you will like this base design, if you do, share it with your friends. Also, you can follow us on our social media. And you can Copy this base from the following Copy Button.
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